Advertencia: La información proporcionada en esta página es meramente informativa, este sitio no se responsabiliza por los efectos colaterales derivados del uso o abuso de las sustancias aquí descritas, los que serán responsabilidad pura y exclusiva de los usuarios.


Trade name StrengthManufacturer
Nidolin.35 mg tabChelfar GR
Teatrois.35 mg tabTheranol FR
Triacana [NLM] .35 mg tabMedgenix FR
Triacana [NLM] .2% cream Medgenix FR
Triacana.35 mg tab; .2% cream Marcofina FR, Sidus Argentina
Triax [NLM] 1 mg capSuntrax Innovations US

La descripción Triacana es un precursor de la hormona tiroidea L - el
triiodthyromine (LT - 3) que es la hormona más fuerte que se produce en la glándula
tiroidea. Ambas hormonas LT - 3 y LT -4 se producen en la glándula tiroidea y
colectivamente regulan el metabolismo de los cuerpos . Triacana se ha
administrado por médicos para el tratamiento de desórdenes tiroideos y
obesidad y ha demostrado su efectividad en la comunidad médica. En la comunidad
del culturismo Triacana se usa ampliamente para sus características . Triacana
ayudará eficazmente a un atleta al aumentar el metabolismo del cuerpo
significativamente.Muy a menudo, triacana se usa con otros esteroides y / u
otras drogas como clenbuterol o ephedrine. Una dosificación común de triacana
varía, dependiendo de las metas de los atletas. Triacana es mucho más seguro
que hormonas como Cytomel y Thybon, por consiguiente el trastorno tiroideo es un
efecto secundario muy raro. Es inteligente empezar con dosificaciones alrededor
de 2-3 pastillas de .35mg / día y subiendo la dosis a 10-14 pastillas / día, .
Entonces al final del ciclo, se va bajando la dosis. Un ciclo de triacana nunca
debe ser más largo que 12 semanas para prevenir cualquier amenaza de la
tiroides . Otros efectos secundarios asociados con el triacana son temblores, el
vértigo, el nerviosismo, la inquietud, el latido del corazón irregular, la náusea,
sudor excesivo, la diarrea, y también es posible experimentar otras
complicaciones debido a la pérdida de peso rápida resultado de su uso.
Triacana es un producto ilegal aunque su sustancia baja (el tiratracol) es legal
en el EE.UU.. Cuando se encuentra en el mercado negro, triacana normalmente
cuesta alrededor de $80 - $110

Triacana is a popular trade name for the thyroid preparation tiratricol. Specifically this compound is a naturally occurring metabolite of the endogenous thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T-3). The thyroid gland in fact produces two primary hormones, identified as T-3 and T-4 (thyroxine, which converts to T-3 in the body). Together these structures are the main regulators of the body's metabolism. Both of these basic hormones are also being synthetically manufactured, and are sold under the brand names (among others) of CytomelO (T-3) and Synthroid (T-4). Triacana is a rapidly metabolized form of the T-3 hormone, and its action is comparatively much weaker than both of these preparations. When administered, all of these substances should markedly increase the metabolic rate. This is noted by an increase in the conversion rate of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This basically means that the body will utilize nutrients at a much faster speed, due to increased cellular activity,

The medical use for thyroid preparations is for the treatment of thyroid dysfunction and obesity. In addition, Triacana is particularly effective with cases of hyperthyroidism (a disorder in which the body overproduces thyroid hormones). The intake of tiratricol can markedly reduce the secretion of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), thus regulating hormone production in the body. Bodybuilders however, find the metabolic boosting effects of these substances exceptional for burning off excess body fat. Even without extreme dieting, Triacana (and related) can lower subcutaneous fat stores, bringing about a harder, more defined look as muscle features become more visible. Without the use of thyroid hormones, the athlete will no doubt be forced to diet much more extremely. This is often done at the expense of muscle tissue, as it is difficult to retain the mass while the proper nutrients are being restricted. Competitive bodybuilders therefore find these hormones invaluable, used to drastically improve the quality of a show physique.

When looking to a thyroid product, the user obviously will have to decide which hormone to utilize. Triacana is the most popular choice since it is considered much safer than the others. When manipulating thyroid levels, a gamut of side effects should be taken into consideration. These include, but are not limited to, trembling, excessive sweating, diarrhea, insomnia, nausea, elevated heart rate, inner unrest and weight loss. The most unwanted side effect being the possibility of permanent thyroid dysfunction. While the use of CytomelO must be carefully planned and specifically carried out, Triacana allows the user much more latitude. For starters, it is much less likely that a mistake in dosage or duration will result in severe and/or permanent side effects with this drug. Serious disturbances in thyroid functioning just do not seem to be an issue with this compound. Triacana is also cleared from the body much more rapidly than other thyroid hormones, a very welcome trait should the user begin to notice discomfort during treatment. It is no doubt the thyroid hormone a beginner should select.

The administration of Triacana is similar to that of the other hormones. The maximum dosage should not be taken from the onset; instead it is to be built up slowly. Being such a mild product, the effective dosage is in the range of ten to fourteen .35mg tablets per day. Two tablets is the customary starting point, a dosage that is to be increased by two tablets every day (or two). Tiratricol has a half-life of approximately six hours, so the daily dosage should be divided evenly through the day to keep blood levels more uniform. Also, athletes usually use thyroid hormones in conjunction with steroids, noting an increased anabolic effect due to faster protein conversion. It can also be combined with other cutting agents like clenbuterol, providing an even more dramatic fat burning effect. Athletes will generally limit the duration Triacana is to be taken, fearful of running into health complications. Although this is not a huge risk, using this compound for no longer than three months, with longer break intervals, is a good way to be sure. Remember that the dosage must be lowered in the same manner it was built up; two tablets less each day or two. Sudden discontinuance of thyroid hormones is likely to bring about many unwanted problems.

On the U.S. black market 100 tablets of Triacana usually costs approximately $75-100 when located. The French version is found almost exclusively, produced by the Medgenix Company. This version is packaged in boxes of 100, packed in four strips of 25 tablets each. It is interesting to note that this item was introduced to the. Sports supplement market briefly a few years ago, making tiratricol available to U.S. bodybuilders over-the-counter at a very reasonable cost. However its status as a legitimate supplement quickly came into question by the FDA. Deeming it an unapproved new drug, and not a natural supplement as claimed by the manufacturer, the product was pulled. The FDA went so far as to show up at the warehouses of a few supplement companies to confiscate their inventories. To the best of my knowledge no charges were ever filed, but they did succeed in quickly making the product unavailable. The total life span of tiratricol as a supplement was only about 8 months, after which the black market once again became the only source for this drug.

Counterfeits: Should be a safe buy