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Trade name StrengthContainerManufacturer
Neotest 250 250 mg/ml 10 ml bottleLoeffler MX

Determined not to let Ttokkyo get all the attention in the expanding Mexican steroid market, I think Loeffler has been fighting hard to release equally innovative and attention grabbing products. Next to its highest-dose ever versions of cypionate, propionate, nandrolone laurate and methandrostenolone stands its interesting new testosterone decanoate product. Although not a new compound, as this is of course the same slow acting ester used in Sustanon, this is the first commercial preparation ever to use this ester exclusively. This is also the slowest acting single ester of testosterone available on the black market at this time, providing a gradual release of testosterone from the site of injection for approximately a two to three week period (See: Deca-Durabolin® for pharmacokinetics).

Neotest offers an ideal alternative to Sustanon for those who like a less frequent injection schedule yet find this four-component testosterone too painful to use. The propionate content in Sustanon® is to blame, as this is a notoriously painful compound to use due to the irritating nature of the short chain carboxylic acid propionate ester. Neotest could similarly be injected every ten days or so, and the pain of the propionate would not have to be endured. The decanoate ester is extremely well tolerated with injection in fact, even more so than testosterone enanthate in many individuals. Provided Loeffler has created a pain-free product in other regards such as using a tolerable alcohol content and clean materials, this product will probably grab the attention of many individuals sensitive to other testosterone injectables. Those in Southern boarder states who like the concept of crossing over to Mexico every other week to inject a slow acting product (as a way to avoid illegally possessing anabolics in the U.S.) might also find Neotest appealing, as it should again be a much easier product to inject in a higher volume than Sustanon®. Even the moderate soreness most feel from Sustanon would certainly be multiplied, possibly to an intolerable point, if 4+ milliliters were attempted in a single day.

Other than injection comfort, Neotest will likely be indistinguishable in effect from other esterified testosterone injectables such as cypionate, enanthate or Sustanon®. With athletes typically injecting all on a weekly basis, we cannot expect any significant differences in the testosterone release pattern to be noted. Gains and side effects would likewise be similar to all esters of testosterone. This hormone is an extremely effective bulking agent, and in fact is one of the best muscle-builders known. One could expect marked gains in size and strength at a dosage of 500mg every week to ten days, but they may be accompanied noticeable side effects. This includes estrogen related water retention, fat buildup and possibly even the onset of gynecomastia. Androgenic side effect such as oily skin and acne are often unavoidable when taking a testosterone as well, and are usually just dealt with using topical treatments and endured as a clear indicator the drugs are working. As we exceed 500mg per shot gains will probably be more pronounced, but side effects can be expected to become much more problematic. Water retention may begin to hide muscle definition in a very noticeable way at this dosage, and often is even noticed in the face. If gynecomastia were not developing before, it should certainly be a concern now. One should be cautious when taking testosterone in a high dose, and certainly be ready to use ancillary drugs if problems start to occur. Having a drug like Nolvadex® on hand is especially important with Neotest, as it is such a long acting agent. If gyno starts to develop, you may be stuck with several more weeks of high estrogen levels even after your last shot.


Loeffler's Neotest is currently the only product manufactured containing only testosterone decanoate. It is so new that no fakes are known to exist. With the affordable nature and high availability of legitimate Mexican veterinary items hopefully this will remain the case. Right now it is considered a definite safe buy.