Advertencia: La información proporcionada en esta página es meramente informativa, este sitio no se responsabiliza por los efectos colaterales derivados del uso o abuso de las sustancias aquí descritas, los que serán responsabilidad pura y exclusiva de los usuarios.


Trade nameStrength
Anabolic-ST50 mg/ml20 ml vialGrupo Comercial Tarasco MX
Nabolic2 mg/ml50, 100 ml vialChinfield Ind.Argentina
Stanazolic50, 100 mg/ml10, 20 ml vialIlium Australia
Stanol-V100 mg/ml20 ml vialTtokkyo MX
Stanosus [NLM]50 mg/ml20 ml vialJurox Australia
Strombaject [NLM]50 mg/ml
Winthrop G. B
Stromba50 mg/ml
Sterling Research GB
Stromba [NLM]50 mg/ml
Sterling-Winthrop S; Winthrop S
Winstrol [NLM]50 mg/ml
Winthrop GR
Winstrol Depot50 mg/ml1 ml ampule vialZambon ES, I
Winstrol V50 mg/ml10,30 ml vialWinthrop U.S.; Upjohn U.S.
Cetabon2 mg tab10 tablet stripTherapharma Thailand
Menabol5mg tab100 tablet boxIndia
Stanazolic6 mg cap300 cap bottleIlium Australi
Stanol-V10 mg tab100, 500 tablet bottleTtokkyo MX
Stromba [NLM]5 mg tabboxes/bottlesWinthrop CH, DK, NL, S, G; Sterling GB; Berger A
Stromba5 mg tab10 tablet boxWinthrop B
Stromba5 mg tab
Sterling-Health HU
Stromba [NLM]5 mg tab
Sterling-Health CZ
Terabon2 mg tab10 tablet stripJin Yang Korea
Winstrol [NLM]2 mg tab
Winthrop GR, PT
Winstrol2 mg tab100 tablet bottleWinthrop U.S.; Upjohn U.S.
Winstrol2 mg tab20 tablet boxZambon ES, I

Winstrol es un esteroide muy eficaz cuando es usado correctamente. Es importante distinguir entre las dos formas diferentes de administración del stanozolol, debido a que el Winstrol Depot inyectable es mucho más eficaz que el Winstrol oral. Por eso, este es el preferido por la mayoría de los atletas.

Lo especial sobre el Winstrol Depot (inyectable) es que esta sustancia no es como casi todos los esteroides comunes disueltos en aceite, esta sustancia esta disuelta en agua. Aunque casi todos los culturistas experimentados saben la diferencia, la aplicación práctica de este conocimiento raramente ocurre: los intervalos libres de inyección de Winstrol Depot deben ser mucho más cortos que con los otros esteroides comunes. Simplificado, esto significa que el Winstrol Depot de 50 mg/ml debe inyectarse mucho más frecuentemente que los esteroides disueltos en aceite (ej. Primobolan, Deca-Durabolin, Sustanon 250, Parabolan, etc.). La razón para esto es que los esteroides disueltos en agua tienen un tiempo de vida en el cuerpo menor que los disueltos en aceite. Aquellos disueltos en agua deben inyectarse por lo menos cada segundo día, los mejores resultados se observan cuando se aplica una inyección diaria de 50 mg. El stanozolol es un precursor de la dihydrotestosterona y por consiguiente, impide al Winstrol Depot aromatizar en estrógenos y la retención de agua solo ocurre en casos muy raros. Basado en estas características la aplicación principal del Winstrol Depot se define claramente en culturismo: preparación para una competición. Junto con una dieta baja en calorías y rica en proteínas Winstrol Depot da una apariencia cada vez más dura a los músculos. El Winstrol Depot normalmente no se usa como el único esteroide durante la dieta debido a que, basado en su bajo componente androgénico, no protege al atleta de una manera confiable de perder tejido muscular en este periodo. El efecto androgénico pronunciado faltante en este compuesto es a veces compensado con la ingesta combinada de Parabolan. La combinación de Winstrol Depot 5O mg/día y Finanject 30 mg/día, hasta hace unos años, era "EL COMBO PARA COMPETIR". Debido a que el Finanject original fue descontinuado desde hace unos años, el Parabolan ha ocupado su lugar. Dependiendo del nivel de desempeño del atleta, normalmente se toman 50 mg de Winstrol cada 1 - 2 días y 76 mg (1.5 ml) de Parabolan cada 1 - 2 días. Aunque no hay ninguna prueba científica de una acción combinada especial entre el Winstrol y el Parabolan, basados en varios ejemplos prácticos, parece probable que ocurre un efecto sinérgico entre los dos compuestos. Otros esteroides que los atletas combinan exitosamente con el Winstrol Depot para la preparación ante una competencia son: Masteron, Equipose, Halotestin, Anavar, Testoviron Depot, Primobolan Depot, y HGH.

El Winstrol Depot, sin embargo, no sólo se recomienda durante la preparación para una competición, sino también para una fase de ganancia muscular. Debido a que no causa retención de agua la ganancia de peso con Winstrol Depot es muy rara. Sin embargo ocurre una fuerte ganancia de músculo sólido y un sobre proporcionado aumento de fuerza, el cual usualmente se mantiene después de descontinuado el uso del compuesto. Los Culturistas que quieren construir fuerza y masa combinan el Winstrol Depot con Dianabol (D-bol), Anadrol, Testoviron Depot, o Deca Durabolin. Con una pastilla de 100 mg Anadrol/día, 50 mg Winstrol Depot/día, y 400 mg Deca Durabolin/semana el usuario entra lentamente en el rango de dosis de los atletas competitivos ambiciosos. Los atletas más viejos y los principiantes en el uso de esteroides pueden lograr buenos resultados tanto con Winstrol Depot / Deca Durabolin o Winstrol Depot / Primobolan Depot. Esta es una combinación muy poco dañina que normalmente no conduce a unos notables efectos secundarios. Esto deja a los principiantes en el uso de esteroides con bastante espacio para los compuestos mas fuertes, lo cuales no necesitan aun en esta fase. El Winstrol Depot es un esteroide principalmente anabólico con un efecto androgénico moderado, el cual, de todos modos puede manifestarse en mujeres con dosis de 50 mg/semana y en hombres con mayores dosis. Los problemas en atletas hembras normalmente ocurren cuando se inyecta una cantidad de 50 mg dos veces por semana. El efecto del Winstrol Depot disminuye considerablemente después de unos pocos días, así que una inyección por lo menos dos veces a la semana es aceptable. Sin embargo, puede ocurrir una acumulación no deseada de andrógenos en el organismo de la mujer, produciendo síntomas del masculinización. Algunas de las voces roncas en mujeres son, en muchos de los casos, originadas por el uso de Winstrol Depot. Sin embargo, una dosis de 50 mg de Winstrol Depot cada segundo día en las atletas hembras ambiciosas es la regla en lugar de la excepción. Otros de los efectos secundarios no androgénicos que pueden ocurrir tanto en hombres como en mujeres son: dolores de cabeza, calambres, cambios en los valores del HDL y LDL, y en casos raros, cambios en la presión de la sangre. El posible daño del hígado puede estimarse como muy bajo cuando Winstrol se inyecta; sin embargo en dosis grandes una elevación en los valores del hígado es posible.

Aunque hay muchas imitaciones del Winstrol inyectable, el original "Winny" como es llamado amorosamente por sus usuarios, se reconoce fácilmente basándose en su rara forma de administración. A primera vista el contenido de la ampolla es un liquido acuoso, lechoso y blanco, pero de hecho, tiene unas características distintivas. El "Winny" original se reconoce porque la sustancia se separa del fluido acuoso de la inyección cuando la ampolla no se agita durante algún tiempo. Cuando la ampolla se deja un tiempo en su molde plástico, o por ejemplo sobre una mesa, la sustancia se sedimenta y acumula en una capa fácilmente visible en el fondo de la ampolla, y solo puede ser mezclado con el fluido acuoso si se agita la ampolla varias veces con fuerza. Una ampolla contiene 1 ml de suspensión y 50 mg de stanozolol, normalmente se deben separar del fluido acuoso una capa blanca del compuesto del tamaño aproximado de la uña del dedo pulgar. De este modo el atleta puede determinar fácilmente si su Winstrol inyectable realmente es stanozolol o es más bien una copia con baja dosis del compuesto. No compre ampollas que contienen más de 1 ml de suspensión debido a que el Winstrol inyectable original está sólo disponible en ampollas de vidrio de un mililitro. Los ampollas originales son españolas fabricadas por laboratorios Zambon, tienen una forma redonda grande y una impresión en letras castañas. Pero sin embargo en el mercado existen muy buenas imitaciones.

Desde que la compañía Winthrop discontinuó el anteriormente bien distribuido Strombaject, el mercado negro internacional de esteroides comercia casi exclusivamente con el Winstrol Depot de la compañía española Zambon. El precio por una ampolla de 50 mg de Winstrol Depot varia entre $13 - 17 en el mercado negro.

Cuando se inyecta Winstrol Depot diariamente puede volverse un compuesto muy caro. También tiene la desventaja de que, debido a las inyecciones frecuentes, se puede formar un tipo de herida en la región de la inyección, usualmente la región gluteal (nalgas), lo qué lleva a muchos atletas a inyectar Winstrol en sus hombros, brazos, piernas o incluso pantorrillas.

Aunque esto se pensó originalmente como un experimento, inyectarse Winstrol Depot en ciertos músculos se ha vuelto sumamente popular entre los atletas debido a que se ha notado que esto origina un crecimiento acelerado del músculo en cuestión. Un bodybuilder profesional Norte-americano que es reconocido por sus tríceps estriados y con forma de herradura, debe esto en gran parte a sus regulares inyecciones de Winstrol depot en los triceps. Los atletas que quieren evitar inyecciones diarias toman 2 - 3 ml de Winstrol Depot dos veces por semana. En el stanozolol inyectable americano sólo se fabrica para la medicina veterinaria. Es distribuido bajo el nombre Winstrol V por Winthrop y Compañía Upjohn. Desafortunadamente existen varias imitaciones del Winstrol Depot.

Winstrol® is a popular brand name for the anabolic steroid stanozolol. This compound is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, although its activity is much milder than this androgen in nature. It is technically classified as an anabolic steroid, shown to exhibit a slightly greater tendency for muscle growth than androgenic activity in early studies. While dihydrotestosterone really only provides androgenic side effects when administered, stanozolol instead provides quality muscle growth. Admittedly the anabolic properties of this substance are still mild in comparison to many stronger compounds, but it is still a reliable builder. Its efficacy as an anabolic could even be comparable to Dianabol, however Winstrol® does not carry with it the same tendency for water retention. Stanozolol also contains the same c17 methylation we see with Dianabol, an alteration used so that oral administration is possible. To spite this design however, there are many injectable versions of this steroid produced.

Structurally stanozolol is not capable of converting into estrogen. Likewise an antiestrogen is not necessary when using this steroid, gynecomastia not being a concern even among sensitive individuals. Since estrogen is also the culprit with water retention, instead of bulk Winstrol® produces a lean, quality look to the physique with no fear of excess subcutaneous fluid retention. This makes it a favorable steroid to use during cutting cycles, when water and fat retention are a major concern. It is also very popular among athletes in combination strength/speed sports such as Track and Field. In such disciplines one usually does not want to carry around excess water weight, and may therefore find the raw muscle-growth brought about by Winstrol® quite favorable over the lower quality mass gains of more estrogenic agents.

As mentioned Winstrol® is prepared in two distinct forms, as an oral tablet and an injectable solution. Although they are chemically identical, the injectable usually allows the user to take much higher dose of the steroid. This is of course because the injectables are much more cost effective, and therefore usually the preferred form of administration. You may find big differences in the appearance of one injectable product to another however. In particular there are big discrepancies in the size of the steroid particles used to manufacture the various stanozolol suspensions. For example, the European human use product Zambon uses a fine powder, capable of being comfortably injected through a 25-27 gauge needle. The Australian veterinary product Stanazolic is even better, so refined that it can pass easily through an ultra-fine 29 gauge insulin needle. Many other veterinary products on the other hand use steroid in a much larger particle size, such as Winstrol®-V in the U.S., Stanosus from Australia (reportedly Anabolic-ST is a little better) and Stanol-V from Mexico. In many instances jams and difficulty injecting have been noticed when trying to administer these products, even when using a large 22-gauge needle. But there are both advantages and disadvantages to each type of product. On the one hand the large particle size would form a longer acting deposit (depot) while the steroid dissolves, giving us the option of fewer injections. A larger shot every three to four days would likely be sufficient to keep blood levels within limits, which is a favorable schedule for a water-based product. On the other hand we are forced to use a standard size oil needle (21-22 gauge) for the injection, uncomfortable for regular administration. Products made with a finer substance do not allow for as slow acting a depot and therefore are usually injected every other day to keep blood levels steady. But shots can be given with a much more comfortable sized needle, opening up many new injection sites. Although you can jam a big "oil pipe" into your shoulder, it is really not the place for it.

For men the usual dosage of Winstrol® is 15-25mg per day for the tablets and 25-50mg per day with the injectable (differences based solely on price and quantity). It is often combined with other steroids depending on the desired result. For bulking purposes, a stronger androgen like testosterone, Dianabol or Anadrol 50® is usually added. Here Winstrol® will balance out the cycle a bit, giving us good anabolic effect with lower overall estrogenic activity than if taking such steroids alone. The result should be a considerable gain in new muscle mass, with a more comfortable level of water and fat retention. For contest and dieting phases we could alternately combine Winstrol® with a non-aromatizing androgen such as trenbolone or Halotestin®. Such combinations should help bring about the strongly defined, hard look of muscularity so sought after among bodybuilders. Older, more sensitive individuals can otherwise addition compounds like Primobolan®, Deca-Durabolin® or Equipoisee when wishing to stack this steroid. Here we should see good results and fewer side effects than is to be expected with standard androgen therapies.

Women will take somewhere in the range of 5-10mg daily, or two and a half to five 2mg tablets. Although female athletes usually find stanozolol very tolerable, the injectable is usually off limits. They risk androgenic buildup, as a regular 50mg injection will provide much too high a dosage. Here the tablets are the general preference. It is obviously much easier to divide up pills than it is to break up a 1cc ampule into multiple injections. Those who absolutely must experiment with the injectable would be most comfortable dividing each 50mg ampule into at least two separate injections. At this point the dosage will adjusted by the number of days separating each shot. 25mg every third or fourth day should be a comfortable amount for most. More ambitious (and risk taking) females would take 25mg every second day, although this is not recommended. Although this compound is only moderately androgenic, the risk of virilization symptoms should remain a concern.

With the structural (c17-AA) alteration, the tablets will also place a higher level of stress on the liver than the injectable (which avoids the "first pass"). During longer or higher dosed cycles, liver values should therefore be watched closely through regular blood work. Although less common, the possibility of liver damage cannot be excluded with the injectable however. While it does not enter the body through the liver, it is still broken down by it, providing a lower (but more continuous) level of stress. Such stress would of course be amplified when adding other c17-AA oral compounds to a cycle of Winstrol®. When using such combinations, cautious users would make every effort to limit the length of the cycle (preferably 6 to 8 weeks). It is also of note that both versions of Winstrol® have been linked to strong adverse changes in HDL/LDL cholesterol levels. This side effect is common with anabolic steroid therapy, and obviously can become a health concern as the dose/duration of intake increase above normal. The oral version should have a greater impact on cholesterol values than the injectable due to the method of administration, and may therefore be the worse choice of the two for those concerned and this side effect.

As discussed in the opening section of this book, the oral use of stanozolol can also have a profound impact on levels of SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin). This admittedly is characteristic of all anabolic/androgenic steroids, however its potency and form of administration make Winstrol® particularly noteworthy in this regard. Since plasma binding proteins such as SHBG act to temporarily constrain steroid hormones from exerting activity, this effect would provide a greater percentage of free (unbound) steroid hormone in the body. This may amount to an effective mechanism in which stanozolol could increase the potency of a concurrently used steroid. To further this purpose we could also addition Proviron® (1 methyl-dihydrotestosterone), which has an extremely high affinity for SHBG. This affinity may cause Proviron® to displace other weaker substrates for SHBG (such as testosterone), another mechanism in which the free hormone level may be increased. Adding Winstrol® and Proviron® to your next testosterone cycle may therefore prove very useful, markedly enhancing the free state of this potent muscle building androgen.

Stanozolol products coming from Mexico appear to be the most popular on the black market at this time. These are the Stanol-V products from Ttokkyo and the Aussie injectable imports Stanosus from Jurox and Stanazolic from Ilium. The product Stanosus was actually replaced recently with the new name Anabolic-ST, now labeled by Grupo Comercial Tarasco (a distributor for Jurox Australia). The change in label may have something to do with the recent controversy in Australia over this country's high rate of steroid exports to Mexico (and their subsequent diversion to the U.S. black market). Both products can still be found in circulation at this time however, so don't let this worry you. The Ttokkyo product line has brought home a good share of the Mexican Winstrol® market by now though, releasing the first 100mg/ml stanozolol injectable and 10mg tablet ever to be produced commercially. Although some complain about the lower viscosity and troublesome nature of the injectable product when it comes to administering it (you will probably need a 21 gauge needle), for most the 100mg dose is just too high to pass up. The 10 mg tablet is also in high demand for those tired of the old low dose/high cost 2mg tabs. With such attention being paid to high dosed products as of late, it is not surprising that two new versions of Ilium's Stanazolic have hit the market. Their new version of the favored Stanazolic injectable comes in a 10ml vial and carries the same whopping 100mg/ml dose as the Ttokkyo product, and judging by the high quality of the 50mg version is likely to grab a lot of attention itself. The second is a 6mg stanozolol capsule, which comes packaged in bottles of 300. Although not the 10mg dose of Ttokkyo, it is still triple the strength of a normal Winstrol tablet and the only other product currently available to carry over 5mg. In spite of all the Mexican imports however, the Zambon brand preparations from Spain do still seem to be make their way to the States. These products are supplied in 2mg tablets and 50mg water-based injectable ampules. In addition Genepharm has released a generic recently, containing a 5mg per tablet dosage.


Winstrol®, both in tablet or injection, is a popular target for counterfeiters. Being that the legitimate item is not widely manufactured, knowing what to look can help us a great deal. The best advice from the beginning is aside from the Greek product by Genepharm, never to purchase an item, tablet or injectable, which bears only the generic name stanozolol. All of the other legitimate products currently circulating carry a specific brand name.


Winstrol®-V, the multi-dose injectable produced in America and Canada, is the one duplicated most by counterfeiters. With tight controls you will likely not see the real thing anymore, so avoid all of them. If you want to risk it make sure the steroid crystals separates deeply and quickly when the bottle is at rest. The particles in real Winstrol®-V are also too large to be drawn into the finer gauge needles (25-27 gauge should jam quickly).

In Mexico you can trust Anabolic-ST, Stanazolic and Stanol-V by Ttokkyo. No fakes of these products are known to exist at this time. Additionally Stanazolic and Stanol-V are protected against counterfeiters with security hologram stickers, so look for these when shopping just to be safe.

For the injectable, the only legitimate item really left on the black market is the Spanish 1 ml ampule from Zambon (I believe Zambon still makes an injectable in Italy as well, but it does not seem to circulate here anymore). Copies of this product have been noted, but so far have been easy to spot. As with Winstrol®-V the particles will separate out of the solution if the ampule is left to sit for a length of time. The crystals however are smaller, can be injected with a higher gauge needle and take longer to settle than their N. American counterpart, so don't let this alarm you. Recently the style of the Spanish Zambon ampule has changed, reflecting a thinner and more generic look. That is unfortunate, as the old amps were very unusual in appearance, and as such seemingly more difficult to duplicate. The size and shape of the newer amps are similar to that of many products on the market at this time, and no longer bear their distinct wide base. The packaging on the new version looks a little different as well, the box being printed in a more appealing light shade of gray. The fact remains however that we have only seen fakes of the older ampules thus far, so for now the new version remains a safer buy.


With Winstrol® tablets, the key again is knowing what few products you should purchase. To most popular items that can be trusted at this time are the Ttokkyo Stanol-V tablets and the Greek generic by Genepharm. Neither appears to have been targeted by counterfeiters as of yet, and therefore can be trusted. The Stanol-V tablets come in both bottles of 100 and 500 tablets, and are orange in color. Remember to look for the security hologram on the Ttokkyo product and a Greek drug ID sticker on the Genepharm tabs to guarantee legitimacy. Also expected to circulate in high volume soon are the new Stanazolic 6mg tablets. As with all steroids imported into Mexico by Denkall, Stanazolic capsules carry a security hologram sticker. Be sure to look for it before purchasing.

The Zambon tablets from Italy and Spain are also currently safe buys, the Spanish product being much more popular in recent years. The Italian item is packed in strips of 10 tabs, 2 strips to a box. The Spanish comes in strips of 20, only one strip in a box. In both products the tablets are pink in color. The Spanish tablets also contain an imprinted "W".

Menabol from India is another legitimate tablet, but not seen here in much volume. This can be trusted when found in strips of 10 tablets, 10 strips to a box. Cetabon from Thailand can occasionally be located on the black market as well, and comes 10 very distinct redish colored tablets per strip. Aside from those products listed above I would trust no other stanozolol tablet unless you are absolutely sure of the source.