Calf routine - Both faces - WEIGHTS

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Calf routine - Both faces
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2017-01-31 10:59:46
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Workout Routine created by WIKI4SPORT

Workout routine for...

Workout Routine Name: Calf routine - Both faces


Type of routine: Muscle tone / Increase muscle size
Rest time between sets: 15 seconds (TOP)

Sets: 4
Reps: Muscle tone: 12 to 15 reps, Increase muscle size: 6 to 10 (could be 12 top).



  1. Warm up about 4 to 5 minutes simulating light calf exercises.
  2. Perform stretches for calf, 5-10 seconds per calf, repeat 3 to 4 times.

NOTE: Calfs are a resistance muscle so can be trained daily THERE IS NOT ABSOLUTELY ANY PROBLEM.


>> Exercise #1: Stading calf raise in machine or in case of not having the same, in smith rack.  

If there is no specific machine or the weight is not enough, Perform with smith rack.







>> Exercise #2: Seated calf raise in machine or in case of not having the same, in smith rack or jus with the bar.

If there is no Seated calf raise machine then perform it on smith rack

>> Exercise #3: Calf press

>> Exercise #4: Stading calf raise in machine or in case of not having the same, in smith rack.

4 continuous sets  (without rest between them)

1st set with maximum weight = 12 repetitions

2nd set with less weight = 20 repetitions

3rd serie with less weight = 25 repetitions

4th serie with less weight = 30 repetitions



- Always stretch at the end of each exercise (this will help muscle growth and muscle relaxation)
- The breaks between each series are before reaching 90 seconds

